Silver Saints
After you defeat Ikki goto Saori's House
Go in the house.
Go left Two Doors
Go in and you will be here.
Go right and thru and you will be here
Go in and see Saori
Go to Seiya's House.
Go in near the box until you see these words.
Go to the Park.
Go inside and you will be here.
Jump up high until you see Docrates.
After defeating Docrates, talk with Tasumi
in Saori's house.
Go out and talk with Shiryu.
Talk with Tasumi again in Saori's House.
Go left Two doors.
Go in and you will be here.
Go right and you will be here.
Go left see another door.
Go in and you will be here.
Go to this position you see above.
Go straight and Kido will appear!!!!!!!!
He will give you cosmos
After you done the above go to Colseium and
fight Docrates again.
After you defeated Docrates, go out and fight
Silver Saints. This one is Capella
Go defeat Dante
Go defeat Misty
After you defeated the above Silver Saints,
go back to Colesium and fight Babel.
After you defeat Babel, you go out and you
will be here.
Go kick Jamian's ass.
Sanctuary /
Page created October 3, 1997