After you defeat Jamian, go see Saori at
her house.
After you talk with Saori. Aiolia has come
to kick your ass!
After you defeated Aiolia, it's time
to go Sanctuary.
Kick Shaina's ass.
After you defeated Shaina, go up and find
Marin's house.
Go in and near bookshelve.
Go out and kick Cassios's ass again.
Go right and you will come here. You can
go in the openings or caves around Sanctuary. All you find is Athena Statue
to add more cosmos. You don't have to do it.
Go up and fight with Misty again.
Fight Babel again.
Fight Moses
After you defeat the above Silver Saints,
go find Docrates at the right up corner and defeat him yet again.
After you finally killed Docrates, go to
left down, find Asterion and kick his ass.
After you defeated Asterion go find Marin,
and you can get Athena's Shield.
Athena's shield has not much use. You can
get it or not.
After you talk with Marin and get shield
or not, you find Argor. He is the most powerful Silver Saint(in the game
12 Temples /
Page created October 3, 1997